
“Retrieving energetic messages engaged before the earth realm”

There’s nothing new under the sun, but why don’t we remember? We are so far removed from who we are, inundated with experiences that have caused deep trauma in our cells. R.E.M.E.B.E.R brings you in a space of acknowledging and facing S.E.L.F. As you delve into your Akashic records and experiences you will gain the understanding and assistance needed to release traumas and energies that no longer serve you. It’s time to retrieve energetic messages engaged before the earth realm, it’s time to R.E.M.E.B.E.R.

Begin your journey today!

4-Week Immersion includes:

One Cranial Reset Clearing

Weekly rebirthing/kundalini session (2 to 2.5-hour flow)

Weekly Energy Recalibration Support Call (1-hour)